While everyone is raising their voice against the atrocity in Europe, a bunch of artists from across the digital art space come together to play their part.
Between April 4 and 5, 2022, the Non Fungible Conference, Europe’s premier event for non-fungible assets, will be held in Lisbon, Portugal. The event will include the interactive NFT artwork ‘Mariupol’ in support of Ukraine. ‘Mariupol,’ which will take center stage on a massive screen wall at the event’s core, is a joint effort involving 38 artists from throughout the digital art world to demonstrate solidarity and support the people of Ukraine.
‘Mariupol,’ which is a vibrant, immersive, and multi-layered artwork, pulled up the devotion and contribution of 38 artists across the global digital space to commemorate the horror of a terrifying era for Europe. The artwork has been developed under the aegis of The Guild, an autonomous, self-funded, and decentralized artist-led collective that produces collaborations amongst artists from all over the globe.
All proceeds and royalties will benefit Voices of ChildrenVoices of Children, an organization dedicated to providing psychological care to child war victims. “Like everyone on this continent, and in this world, I am horrified by the images we are getting from Ukraine of innocent civilians being bombed once again,” John Karp, founder of Non-Fungible Conference and one of the curators of the artwork, shares his thoughts.
The collaborative creation is a “living” masterpiece and will take on the look of its owner. Collectors may modify the visual state of the image at any moment, much like other digital artworks on Async.art. Owning the honor of being the most significant collaborative creation in the digital world, ‘Mariupol’ is a multi-layered artwork with 13 layers, each with 2–4 distinct states. A layer’s owner can pick which state to display on the Master artwork. In this case, 14 collectors will be able to purchase the item (1 master NFT and 13 layers of NFTs). No one knows who will win the auction.
Each artist involved in the creative masterpiece may represent their own unique version of the work in their own unique style. ‘Mariupol’ gives the collective message that when it comes to war atrocities, there is suffering but also a light at the end of the tunnel. As a message and an example to the world, nobody needs battles. “Everyone has become witnesses to the tragedy and brutality happening in Ukraine,” shares crashbl, one of the 38 artists.
Just like the affliction of Guernica in the early 20th century, this collective, multi-layered artwork depicts a comparable situation today. Technological advancement has led us to see this art through the decentralized digital media glasses, but the truth of war remains the same. War defies logic and explanation, yet we all bear witness. Ailment afflicts, and as artists, 38 talents used their canvas to express their collective voice and strength in opposition to the violent rule. ‘Mariupol’ aims to show the world the power art and artists carry via the platform of Non-Fungible Conference, artistic process and artwork.
Collaborative art from the horror of war
- Magusz_art says: “This was one of the biggest challenges I had while creating something. My art style is full of vibrant and psychedelic colors and with a positive and lifting message, while this piece is all in gray and with a sad message. But that is also the beauty of it and how powerful art can be. I hope that it just makes the viewer reflect and see all the details and emotions that all artists put on it.”
- booyasan says: “It is always tragic that Guernica responds to present events or is a source of inspiration. But if today again, through our collaboration, this work can denounce the stupidity of war and bring a little help to those who suffer from it, it is already a victory for peace. Art always finds its way through borders, history or technologies. Just like peace does.”
- Tom Abbink says: “So, it’s war on European soil.. again.. There isn’t much I can do about it as an individual. War needs to be stopped, or never even started, at the very top. Citizens hardly ever want to be involved or be part of a war. They want to smile at their neighbors when they go to work. Or go to a supermarket to buy some groceries for dinner with friends. I can’t imagine standing in line for a piece of bread or an automatic weapon… As a man and father I feel saddened when I see a dad leaving his children at the border to go back to fight himself.. my heart breaks. No matter how civilized we are, it always comes down to this. So, here we are… the only thing I know what to do is draw! Use your platform to inform. Peace.”
- Agoria says: My family is deeply facing the consequences of this conflict, of this foolish act. Since Guernica shows what happens after human acts/choices… I thought a layer with cell biology of a {centriole} visualizing what happens in our brains before any human decision would make sense.
- Jæn says: “The shape looked like it could contain a kind of Madonna holding or feeding baby Jesus kind of old icon. I was thinking about the sad news last week of little girls being killed in the bombing of Mariupol’s maternity hospital. There was also the tragic situation of black people having to wait after white people to flee the war zone, doing their best to cram their kids & women into trains, raising the fact that it was supposed to be women and children first. Obviously, the difference in media treatment of a war on white people compared to wars against other people in the Western world is not lost here. The mix of these two incarnations of the evils of war gave birth to this Black Madonna trying to feed a baby who is no more. Another interpretation could be that the only thing humans can feed in war is death.”
- Ytje says: “With ongoing wars and conflicts it’s easy to get demoralized in daily life. Watching the destruction of people, neighborhoods, the interconnectedness of families, friends and children, makes me wonder if there’s any hope for humanity. Then I realize I can do something; I care. I can get together with my colleagues and friends and help. Build something, to try to support. It may be small, but we’re with many. Keep building in the face of demolition.”
- shortcut says: “In an effort to show the strength of peace and freedom, 40 artists from all around the world came together, proving (despite their diverse cultural backgrounds) that the power of creative self-expression can create a powerful symbol that puts the lie to any fascist dictator. Humanity will only overcome its major problems (climate change, covid, inequality) if we pool our energies. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Love is greater than hate. Peace and unity!
- Jetski asks: “Why War? This was the first thing that came to mind when I first heard about the war. The pandemic has yet to end, and another disastrous war erupted.
I spent the first three days in tears upon hearing the news. I saw clips of a father who had to send his young daughter and his family out to safety. The next day I saw the report of a fragile little girl who lost her life with her parents next to her. The feeling of sorrow has broken my heart and mind, which profoundly influenced my art contribution.
Humans fought many wars and battles throughout history. Why war? It only brings suffering, sadness, and misery. If life matters, why do we have to witness more innocent people die? I believe that countries should rethink their approaches to weapon developments. No good has come out from wars. Humans have been under a perpetual threat of extinction by their weapons since the dawn of the atomic age.
Why do we need to risk more lives when conflicts can and should be resolved in a more civil manner?
But this is the reality. While this war continues, we work together as a collective to deliver our strong messages to the world. The world does not need another war. Peace and love can bring about a miraculous change and make a better world.” - 0xMJ says: “The world is becoming a sad place. But what keeps us going is the love and support we all can show to people around. There are kind humans, beautiful communities that give us hope to live. It is hard times but there is a light we dare to see. We are coming together to support the people suffering, in the best way we artists could- create. Hope this serves as a message that when needed the whole world can unite to fight the wrong. We all care. And no one is alone. We don’t need any war.”
- crashbl says: “Everyone has become witnesses to the tragedy and brutality happening in Ukraine. Just like Guernica bears witness to a brutal bombing of its time, our collaborative, multi-layered artwork pictures a similar reality happening again today. Today we see it through the multiple lenses of decentralized digital media, but the reality is the same. War defies sense, interpretations cannot penetrate, but we all bear witness.”
- Shinji Akhirah says: “To think that we are not connected to each other and the world at large is a devilish illusion – one that has no place in the future. We are nodes in a network and the survival of that entire network depends on clarity of purpose and unity beyond such ridiculously trivial and geopolitical constructs such as borders.
We are at war with ourselves, with our reflections and our ambitions, our beliefs and our women. Modern media missiles and unjust laws that give cause to cripple the development of an entire species. The actions of Putin won’t heal in one generation or two…these wounds scar the earth and its future.A future that we will undoubtedly share and have to rebuild together.”
EMBARGO LIFTS MARCH 30TH AT 2PM GMT/UT | For all inquiries about this release, please contact josh.adams@eakdigital.com