Exploring Web3 Investments: An Exclusive Interview with Yat Siu on Animoca Brands, Mocaverse, and Digital Property Rights

NFT Studio 24
3 Min Read

Welcome to an exclusive interview that delves deep into the world of Web3 investments. In this captivating conversation, we have the pleasure of sitting down with Yat Siu, the esteemed entrepreneur and visionary behind Animoca Brands. Together, we explore the fascinating realm of digital property rights, the innovative Mocaverse, and the exciting potential of Web3 investments.

During this insightful interview, Yat Siu provides valuable insights into the intersection of blockchain technology, gaming, and digital property rights. As the co-founder and chairman of Animoca Brands, a leading company in the blockchain gaming space, Yat Siu has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share.

Yat Siu begins the interview by discussing the concept of Web3 investments and how it is revolutionizing the traditional investment landscape. He highlights the key characteristics of Web3, such as decentralization, transparency, and the tokenization of assets, which offer new opportunities for investors and creators alike.

The conversation then shifts towards Animoca Brands, a pioneering company that combines blockchain technology with gaming. Yat Siu explains how Animoca Brands is leveraging blockchain and NFTs (non-fungible tokens) to create a new paradigm in gaming and digital property ownership. He shares insights into their flagship project, the Mocaverse, which aims to build a metaverse where users can own and trade virtual assets securely.

Yat Siu further explores the potential of digital property rights and how they empower creators and users to have true ownership and control over their digital assets. He discusses the impact of blockchain technology in reshaping the gaming industry, enabling players to truly own their in-game items and creating a vibrant economy around virtual assets.

Throughout the interview, Yat Siu emphasizes the importance of education and awareness in driving the adoption of Web3 investments and the understanding of digital property rights. He shares his vision of a future where individuals have greater control over their digital lives and the ability to monetize their creativity and contributions in a fair and decentralized manner.


Animoca Brands Corporation Ltd., founded in 2014 by Yat Siu and David Kim, is a Hong Kong-based company that started with making mobile games and later moved into blockchain gaming and NFTs in 2018.

NFT Studio 24

NFTStudio24 is Japan's first media platform dedicated on reporting the latest news and insights in Web3, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Metaverse, NFTs, and Decentralization.

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