Cantina Royale introduces a brand-new concept of metaverse-based free-to-play (F2P) and play-to-earn (P2E) game in collaboration with Elrond blockchain and Verko.
The game is designed to attract new users and existing users into the blockchain and NFT world without paying anything. Cantina Royale is one of the pioneers of GameFi and Web3 with its F2P and P2E model on the Elrond blockchain.
Elrond blockchain is a high-scalable and eco-friendly blockchain that fits the criteria for the Cantina Royale team to unleash the game’s true capabilities without any boundaries or limits.
The COO and co-founder of Elrond, Lucian Todea says, “The adoption model put forward by Cantina Royale has very high chances of breaking through the relatively narrow blockchain-gaming space and reach global audiences, offering millions of gamers with exciting entertainment experiences and zero added friction from the crypto side of things, thanks to the seamless integration of Elrond’s internet-scale blockchain technology.”
Cantina Royale launches Verko payment on iOS, Android
As a leading GameFi, Cantina Royale utilizes the traditional model of free-to-play and Web3 model play-to-earn model together in one game. The game will be available on desktop and mobile devices, both iOS and Android, which is designed to maintain the blockchain ethos of interoperability.
The Apple and Android compatibility will also enable users to buy NFTs or non-fungible tokens through in-app purchases. For that, Cantina Royale collaborated with Verko and will employ Verko’s payment method and wallet management system for users to buy their favorite NFTs and other items without any complications.
Moreover, the winners will automatically receive rewards in their wallets through Verko’s server.
Metaverse and F2P model
Cantina Royale will be mainly a metaverse-based blockchain-gaming platform that will employ F2P and P2E models together. This means users who aren’t interested in blockchain can just play the game without paying any hidden fee or wallet requirement, access in-app game modes, and compete with other F2P players in ranks.
For P2E, the Cantina Royale team introduces a new way of playing the game. P2E players will connect their wallets to earn rewards. If they own any NFTs, then those PFP NFTs will turn into a game character to play on the app. For example, the game offers characters from Bored Ape Yacht Club, anyone who owns Bored Ape can be a player avatar. So instead of keeping NFTs as an exhibit, users can finally utilize their NFTs on something.
As an investor in this P2E game, the co-founder of Mechanism Capital, Andrew Kang says, “As P2E has barely penetrated the gaming market, this will change in the next few years with mobile leading the way.”
Cantina Royale raises $4.5M funding
To make this game project a success, the Cantina Royale team held a funding round led by Elrond and Mechanism Capital and managed to raise around $4.5M in funds. Other contributing investors include Animoca Brands,, Skynet EGLD Capital, GBV Capital, Morningstar Ventures, Good Games Guild, Chingari, and more.
The funds will be used to further develop the game’s capabilities and introduce new features and game modes for users.
The game designer of Cantina Royale, Dan Bojan, said “Cantina Royale strives to bring together traditional gamers and the latest technological advances in order to make NFT games accessible for everyone. We are proud to collaborate with Elrond and Verko to fulfill this purpose.”
About Cantina Royale
Cantina Royale is a game developed by game designer Bojan, developer Paul Szanto, and a team of 15 professionals with many years of shared experience. Bojan has previously worked with Angry Mob Games for its projects including Predators, Alien vs. Predator, and Muffin Knight. He has also contributed to the virtual reality and Android console projects for Google, Valve, and Facebook. Szanto has a history of working at Angry Mob Games and Gameloft for important gaming projects. He is currently the head of engineering at Phenomenon Games.
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